Garden Babies

by Lynne on June 11, 2012

Post image for Garden Babies

Garden Babies 2

I moved into this new house last year in June 2011 and after moving in the boxes, unpacking and recovering from move trauma, it was July or August and much too late to put in a garden. The garden space was a mess with weeds and tar paper covered with redwood chips. This May I got the help of a gardener kid who did all the heavy work and then I put in plants from the nursery and seeds. I wanted everything I grew to be edible and I was especially excited about growing edible flowers.

In the photo above on top are the beginnings of my zucchini crowd. I am looking forward to stuffing the flowers and later using the squashes in many ways. To the right is a baby nasturtium which will provide peppery yellow and red flowers for salads. I have about 10 of these in various places around the garden. I can just see them now! You recognize the little tomato, with all its promise. There is nothing like a sun-ripened tomato from your own garden. And to the left are the borage babies. These are supposed to get 2-3 feet tall and have lots of edible bright blue star-shaped flowers. There may also be chive blossoms and marigold petals. I cannot believe how fast these guys are all growing. It is so interesting to see how they change on a daily basis. I will keep you updated.

Basil, Cilantro and Chives

Basil, Cilantro and Chives

Sage, Purple Sage and Mint

Sage, Purple Sage and Mint

Thyme, Rosemary and Greek Oregano

Thyme, Rosemary and Greek Oregano

Baby Oranges

Baby Oranges

Garden Images

Garden Images

Garden Babies 1

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Deanna June 12, 2012 at 11:20 am

Love it all! I’m curious about one plant…in Garden Images…with the white roses, what is the spikey plant with the spikey star flowers?

Lynne June 12, 2012 at 3:28 pm

Hi Lynne…I love your garden babies! I also LOVE that “welcome” sign with the hummingbird on it…I love hummingbirds and wondered where you might have found that beautiful sign! I live in Murrieta, CA…

Thanks so much!

Lynne June 12, 2012 at 7:31 pm

Hi Deanna ~ The plant with the spikey star flowers is called an Umbrella Plant [or Palm or Sedge] (Cyperus Alternifolius). It was already growing in the garden when I moved in. It is the first one I have seen and I have enjoyed watching it grow. xo

Hi Judy ~ The hummingbird “welcome” sign was buried under garden debris when I first moved into my new house. I discovered it when I was cleaning everything out. It is very old and rusted, and may have been here since 1952 when this house was built. It makes me smile every day when I come home. xo

polwig June 13, 2012 at 8:46 am

Beautiful Garden and I am too in love with the welcome sign 😉

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