Today was a day that I had a lot to do and I needed something fast to eat. I had this head of cabbage with no fixed destination, so I decided to use it to make a quick cabbage soup. And when I say quick, I mean 15 minutes or less. There is no recipe, it’s just one of those simple things you throw together. Cut up some cabbage, put in a sauce pan and pour in two or three cups of milk. A pat of butter, some salt and black pepper and simmer over medium heat until the cabbage is soft. That’s it.
The result is so much more than the individual ingredients. The cabbage gets soft and buttery. The milk reduces a little and gets sweet with the flavor of the cabbage. I used 2% milk and the result was perfect, but you could use any percent milk you have on hand. Just try not to let it boil, as the milk might separate and get little curds. It will taste exactly the same, but look like it has…well…little curds. However, if you actually want curds, boil away. I prefer no curds, myself.
Potage [pronounced poh – tahzh] is a noun from French Cookery, meaning soup, especially any thick soup made with cream.
Not to be confused with:
Pottage [pronounced pot – ij] meaning a thick soup made of vegetables, with or without meat.
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Lynne, This is my kind of cooking; a few nutritious ingredients, a few minutes to slice and prepare and voila – something good to eat.