Photography Class with Raiko Hartman

by Lynne on February 26, 2010

Post image for Photography Class with Raiko Hartman

Raiko Hartman

I have been taking a photography class through the South Bay Adult School, one night a week for ten weeks. Our teacher, Raiko Hartman, is an award winning photographer who has been a successful commercial photographer for over 20 years. His work focuses on people and product, so that is what I have been learning in his class. We finished week six, so there are four classes to go.

Each week he gives us detailed instructions and a homework assignment, which has forced enabled me to take some really interesting photos. I usually have my face about a foot from the food I am photographing, so now I have to go out into the real world where what you are shooting is jumping, waving, running, flying and basically not sitting wonderfully immobile on its plate. It has made me appreciate my own chosen subjects that just sit there and go duh as I take my time with macro focusing, never moving a crumb, fork or noodle.

The photo of the bee, above, was the wild animal assignment. Unfortunately, the whole wild animal contingent around my house was hiding out because it had been pouring rain for a week. This little bee in the Bird of Paradise was the only wild thing I could find to photograph.

Here are the photos for the other assignments I have had so far. Each one was an adventure and a challenge.

Short Depth of FieldAn example of short depth of field, where the background is out of focus.

Night - Time ExposureTime exposure at night of a big red truck.


Panning, as you keep the camera focused on the subject as he is moving.

Stop Action 1Stop Action One

Stop Action 3Stop Action Two

Zoom1Long depth of field, foreground and background in focus, at the Manhattan Beach Pier

People PortraitPeople portrait of my neighbor, Gourmet Larry

Pet PortraitPet portrait of Gourmet Larry’s cat, Homie

Architecture2Architectural Assignment for next week

I’m hoping that this photo class will help me be a better photographer of food for my website. At the very least I am learning more about my camera and all its bells and whistles. And it gets me out of the house and away from my computer. A good thing.

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Photography Class with Raiko Hartman
February 27, 2010 at 4:52 am

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Patti March 2, 2010 at 12:15 pm

Hi Lynne-
You are taking some great photos! I love the bee and the portrait of your neighbor. See you in class!

Tadeja March 3, 2010 at 5:43 am

Beautiful photos as well as website!

Carolyn Jung March 3, 2010 at 10:23 pm

Oh man, I need to take that class. Your photos are awesome! You should be justly proud of them. 😉

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